As with all aspects of training on the Jedi Way, we need a strong foundation. This is even more important in the training of the Jedi Combat Arts. As such, we begin our training with our feet.
Attention Stance

Heels are together with toes open in 45 degree angles, and the knees are kept flexed.
Parallel Stance

Feet are shoulder width apart, as judged by the outside of the feet. The toes are pointed forward, and the knees are kept flexed.
Training Stance

The feet are double shoulder width apart, with toes and knees both pointed forward, knees bent over toes.
Front Stance

The feet are shoulder width apart, as judged by the inside of your feet. Back knee is flexed slightly, front knee is bent to over the toes of the lead foot.
Straddle Stance

Feet are double shoulder width apart, with the feet turned out are roughly 45 degree angles, and the knees bent until calves are perpendicular to the floor.
Back Stance

This stance is effectively the Front/Long Stance with the feet rotated out, and the torso facing over the straight lead foot. Weight distribution is critical so that movement can still be fluid when needed.
Cat Stance

With heels together, the front foot is turned directly forward, and taken out the length of one step. Less than 15 percent of body weight is on lead foot. Lead heel is raised, and all pressure is on the ball of the foot, rather than the toes. This maintains quick movement and response for side, angle, and retreating step. Nearly all weight is on rear foot, with knee bent deeply.
Crane Stance

One leg is lifted until thigh is parallel with the ground. The foot can be curled with the blade of foot exposed, or pointed down, depending on next movement.