The Force – ZENRYOKU-KAI: Jedi Budo Arts Home of the Jedi Way Sat, 01 Jan 2022 23:06:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Force – ZENRYOKU-KAI: Jedi Budo Arts 32 32 214668930 THE BALANCE Mon, 25 Oct 2021 22:38:08 +0000

So, let us all take a look at the everlasting elephant in the Jedi Path: the Dark Side. Before we get too far into this, let's also list a few facts:

-The "Light Side" is never once referenced in the movies. It is referred to as the "Good Side".
-The "Dark Side" is meant to represent the ideal of Evil.
-The Force has no sides, and thus anything that is Dark exists inside of the person.

The concept of the Light Side came about due to some game made a long time ago. That game became the basis for the Jedi paradigm within the fiction, and thus, the ideas of it became part of the fabric of the Jedi Path. That is as it is because most of it works very well. The idea of the Light Side is no different.

However, early in the development of the Jedi Path, around the birth of the Jedi Community, the concept of Light and Dark became entangled with the concept of Yin and Yang. At a passing glance, there is a good reason for that connection. However, upon deeper research, the concepts of Yin and Yang speak of linked complimentary opposites: hot and cold, passive and aggressive, wet and dry, masculine and feminine. These concepts are tied to Yin and Yang because of their balancing nature. Here is a list of some of their more common attributes.

Attributes of Yin and Yang

This shows me one very important thing: Good and Evil are NOT part of the dichotomy of Yin and Yang. They are far bigger than that. However, the early Jedi latched onto this concept of Light and Dark being as Yin and Yang, and from that grew the flawed concept of the Grey Path. A Jedi named Koren Jey was the first to take the name Grey in the late 1990s. His apprentice, Starr, continued his teachings into the mid 2000s. Both of these men were very close friends of mine, and both of them acknowledged their lack of understanding before leaving the Community for good.

So, if Good and Evil are (obviously) opposing forces, how do they not fit into the framework of Yin and Yang? That is because the attributes of Yin and Yang are neither inherently Good or Evil. They are opposing energies that compliment each other. Good and Evil don't compliment each other at all. They, instead, define one another. The Jedi have the proper terms for this, though few use them over the more common misuse of the 'Dark Side'.

This bring us to concepts that exist on such a grand scale, the Jedi Mythos have given them their own names. Within the fiction, these two concepts are names for the Moons of Tython (changed to the moons of Auch-To for later movies): Ashla and Bogan. The moon Ashla was also bathed in light, whereas the moon Bogan was also in the shadow of the planet, making them the pristine examples of LIGHT and DARK. This pair have, also, been misaligned to mean the same of Yin and Yang, but we just showed how the big LIGHT/GOOD and big DARK/EVIL don't fit that mold. No, instead, I have come to understand the following:

Ashla: Fluid Balance
Bogan: Destructive Imbalance

In the earliest versions of the fictional origins, Jedi meant Lightbringer, and there is no better term for the role of the Jedi. The Jedi bring the Supreme Light, the Ashla. The Jedi bring Balance. Those who bring the Bogan, the Imbalance, act against the Light of the Jedi. They act of the Dark, of Evil in any greater or lesser form.

So, if the Jedi strive for Balance, for the Ashla, why teach about the Bogan at all. Why acknowledge it? Because it exists, and Jedi should never ignore that which is true and real in the world, and in the Force.

There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
