Jedi Staff Form

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Lesson 5: Techniques

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The staff is the ultimate defensive weapon, in that it has no killing edge or point. That does not mean that, as a weapon, it is totally benign. There are many ways to use the staff, but the first thing that one has to learn when using any weapon is the methods of basic defense and attack. With the staff, those techniques are separate at their introduction, but quickly blend together and the movement’s become the same, and the only difference is the intention.

Let’s touch on that point, before we go any further. Jedi are said to use the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack. This is true, and not true, at the same time. Yes, the Force is a fantastic source of knowledge, from danger/intention sensing to introspective self-knowledge. That point is in the Jedi Code for a reason, after all. However, I was to discuss the context of the words ‘defense’ and ‘attack’. This speaks of intention, rather than action. We should never act with a selfish, ego-driven fervor, acting to our own ends. There is no defense in this action, and as such, it is purely an attack. However, taking the example to an intentional extreme (because it makes the lines clearer to do so), in the defense of self and/or others against an act of violence, one must often resort to an attacking action. However, this attacking action is not purely an attack, because it is a movement rooted in defense. A Jedi, or any human being for that matter, would be of little use to others if they never acted actively in a defensive situation, after all.

The human body exists in quadrants, and because of this, the use of any polearm is always going to start with a basic understanding of these quadrants. There are 8 striking angles on the body, as well as a jab. This is important to know for both striking techniques and blocking techniques. The following image is a rough estimation of these zones. They WILL change, depending on the angle and position of the opponent, as well as the type of striking posture, and range. However, this is an important part to internalize as we begin into the striking and blocking methods with the staff.

I have included some videos of running through these strikes and blocks along this framework. Please review them, and begin to internalize this concept. The first video will be the 9 strikes.

This second video shows the basic blocks.