The Body - The Mind - The Spirit
These are the three parts of each person on the planet. No one can be in balance and strong without the other two. This is the purpose of the training of a Jedi. This interconnection of seemingly independent facets is also true of the Force.
Internal - Dynamic - Living - Guiding - Uniting - Cosmic - Infinite
These phases of the Force are no different than the parts of the self. They are not separate, but instead intertwined in ways that makes them inseparable for the Jedi. Each part of the human being is tied more directly to one of these phases of the Force than the other two. However, just as the body is one, so too, the Force is one, and so they must be trained together.

Discipline is key for the training of a Jedi. We all come to the Jedi Path for different reasons, but only through effort and sacrifice can we grow beyond our limits.

Meditation is key to our alignment to the Jedi Code. Through the practice, we find peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony, and our connection to the Force.

Our training is what brings all of our parts together, so that we might be better connected to the Force. This is of the utmost importance to the Jedi.

One thing long-since abandoned by the Jedi is the practicing of the Jedi Body Arts, those art forms that help attune us to the Living Force through physical action. This has caused a generation of Jedi who barely qualify as Knights, unless required to be active in order to gain that title.
The mythos of the Jedi is filled with Knights of the Force, ascended masters of their physical forms, though the rigors of combat training.
We are not nearly as active players in the politics and dangerous situations of the day, but that does not remove the impact this training can have for those who allow it the chance. We become stronger, yet softer. We gain the skills of violence, so that we may better know when we are forced to abandon peace.
This type of training gives an entire new set of skills for internalizing, and thus living, the Jedi Code.